The more I understand the backstory of what I’m looking at, the more I know what’s significant and how to use visual language… This is the fourth installment in a Tilted Arc ongoing feature, Women in the Landscape—conversations between women photographers whose work focuses on the land. This conversation is with Karen Halverson, an artist […]
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I’m definitely conscious of this kind of rhythm, and am always preoccupied with ensuring that a sort of lyrical quality permeates both my imagery and its eventual arrangement. When I’m making photographs or capturing video, I’m certainly aware of the general aesthetic sensibility that tends to drive my response, but I guess my process at […]
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The indexical relationship inherent in the medium, the relationship between the thing in the world photographed and the representation of that thing, opens endless questions about how we understand our relationship to our surroundings. The ability to express the very concept of paradox is one reason I love the photographic medium. This is the second […]
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I am drawn to photographing cultural sites, places where human impact is visible on the landscape, whether that may be the built environment or more subtle traces of human activity. But I’m also interested in the way that we observe and consider landscape – as tourists, as spectators, and as people with preconceptions and memories. […]
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