…I started to make portraits of artist friends in their studios. I had a curiosity and need to observe how they were setting up their workspaces and what they were surrounding themselves with. I wondered how they spent their days. @ Laurie Lambrecht, Roy with Reflections on the Prom, 1990. Image courtesy of the artist. […]
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I was tired of feeling so disconnected from my life and myself. As I was cutting up strawberries to serve with lunch I noticed that one of the berries stood out from the rest. I tried to stay on task but I couldn’t take my eyes off this single piece of unripe fruit. @ 2014 […]
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…there seems to be no single truth but many truths when talking about oneself or one’s work. The layer upon layer of ideas, feelings, thoughts intertwine with such ferocity that any single truth seems to elude discovery. Lani Irwin, “Orange Moon”, 2008, oil on linen, 39 x 28 in. © Lani Irwin. Courtesy of the […]
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I felt then, and still feel now, that the best art is internally complex. Even though my technique at the time was essentially reductive (flat colors, clean edges), I was trying my best to avoid simplicity. Minimalism was not, as I saw it, boisterous or contradictory enough to be of life. Maximalism was my chosen […]
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Instead, sending my eyes closer into the grip of the perceptual moment is what I’m after… Stuart Shils, The Residue of Giotto After Imaginary Battles, Acrylic on Archival Digital Photograph, 2014, 6×6″. Image courtesy the artist. What really matters most to me is filling my eyes with joy when riding my bicycle around Philadelphia (the […]
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Paint is so mutable, the moment evanescent, the light flickers thru catching form and flotsam, revealing moments of specificity in almost near random ways, it will change in the next blink of the eye. Farrell Brickhouse, The Sparrows (Ship Of Fools Series), 2014. Oil on canvas, 22 x 28 in. © Farrell Brickhouse. Image courtesy […]
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My painting is rooted in a place…but as a general matter I am not a faithful copyist of the everyday. “Yellow Skirt, Brooklyn, 2014,” oil on linen, 52 x 78 inches. © Elisa Jensen. Image courtesy of the artist. A young woman walks at a rapid clip. It is a winter day and she is […]
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One would think that, in making paintings about pattern, there would be a defined beginning and end, an image that’s certain and void of breathing room. But that’s wrong. I feel as if I never know the ending. “Nocturne II,” graphite, oil and venetian plaster on panel, 7.5 x 9.5 inches, 2013. © Alison Hall. […]
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Aspiring to express subtler layers of reality in his art, he gradually liberated himself from the limitations of an overt political agenda. Arnold Mesches, “Shock and Awe 23,” 2012. A/c, 80 x 104 in. © Arnold Mesches. Courtesy of the artist. The shock of his first encounter with Franz Kline’s paintings back in the fifties […]
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…its failure reveals the exact element I want to express. In this sense I want to focus on drawing’s inherent nature of being intimate and immediate, unstable, alive. This quality of drawing, exposed through revealing the process, opens space for the viewer to experience an organic moment of tension, just like every moment in nature. […]
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