Paint is so mutable, the moment evanescent, the light flickers thru catching form and flotsam, revealing moments of specificity in almost near random ways, it will change in the next blink of the eye.
Farrell Brickhouse, The Sparrows (Ship Of Fools Series), 2014. Oil on canvas, 22 x 28 in.
© Farrell Brickhouse. Image courtesy the artist and Life on Mars Gallery, Bushwick.
We used to have this sense of eternity in art, then de Kooning’s stated “glimpse,” and now we are down to nanoseconds and this flickering holographic moment in how we see. Paint is so mutable, the moment evanescent, the light flickers thru catching form and flotsam, revealing moments of specificity in almost near random ways. It changes in the blink of an eye.
The mere sight of a color sitting on my palette can spur me to work, but when actually painting, I think more in terms of light than hue. The journalist’s code of Who, What, When, Where, Why are answered in how the light moves and animates the unfolding narrative.
Farrell Brickhouse, “Bird Watcher III,”
2014. Oil on canvas, 18 x 14 in.
© Farrell Brickhouse. Image courtesy the artist
and Life on Mars Gallery, Bushwick.
Paint is so mutable, the moment evanescent, the light flickers thru catching form and flotsam revealing moments of specificity in almost near random ways, it will change in the next blink of the eye.
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